AKDSFramework is a python Package for all your data structure and algorithm needs. AKDSFramework is a Purely written in Python library.
Our Package will allow user to focus on developing algorithms and not worry about finding python-compatible implementations of classic data structures like linked list, heap and others.
First download/clone this repo like git clone
Now uninstall if any previous version installed
pip3 uninstall AKDSFramework
Now install fresh on your machine
pip3 install -e AKDSFramework
Alternate installation¶
This is easier to install but a bit slower in the installation time.
pip3 install https://github.com/theroyakash/AKDPRFramework/tarball/main
First code, Check the version¶
Now to check whether your installation is completed without error import AKDSFramework
Example code creating Linked List¶
from AKDSFramework.structure.linkedlist import SinglyLinkedList
lkl = SinglyLinkedList()
# Now add some data into it
# Now to see your linked list
print(lkl) # ---> 20 --> 120 --> 7102 --> 773 --> None
# Now reverse this linked list:
Currently supporting APIs¶
Supporting APIs |
Scope |
Data Structures |
Data Structures |
Priority Queues with heap |
Data Structures |
Data Structures |
Data Structures |
Graphs (Adjacency Matrix) |
Graph Structures |
Graphs (Adjacency List) |
Graph Structures |
Graph Algorithms |
Graph Algorithms |
Graph Algorithms |
Dictionary (Hash Table) |
Data Structures |
Linear Search and Binary Search |
Search Algorithms |
General purpose Algorithms |
Merge, Quick, Bubble, Insertion, Heap Sort |
Sorting Algorithms |
AKDSFramework is © 2020 by theroyakash is distributed by an MIT license.
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue or discussion, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change. Get started in our GitHub repo.