
Factorials are very simple things. They’re just products, indicated by an exclamation mark. For instance, “four factorial” is written as \(4!\) and means \(1×2×3×4 = 24\). In general, \(n!\) (“enn factorial”) means the product of all the whole numbers from \(1\) to \(n\). That is,

\[n! = 1×2×3×...×n\]

So we provide a very easy interface to calculate the factorial for a given number.

from AKDSFramework.applications import factorials


Couple of ways to calculate

Now there are two ways to calculate the factorial for a given number, one using a recursive call to calculate the factorial another using iterative method. By default when you don’t mention anything it’ll use a iterative method to calculate. To explicitly tell the program to calculate the factorial with recursive call you need to pass an argument iteratively as False like this

from AKDSFramework.applications import factorials

print(factorials(5, iteratively=False))